

Quarterhouse trainingen, crossborder ecommerce, digital sales, toekomst van b2b, marktplaatsen en platformen, advies en maatwerk


To be able to win at sports you typically have to train to get better. Why would this be different for work. We think it is necessary to train too; learn, develop, get better. When you train, train with a wide variety of trainers. We are a newcomer with the latest current insights and methods and techniques.
In this rapidly changing time, platformization, omnichannel, digitization, cross-border (e-) commerce, it's imperative that the commercial heart of your organization performs optimally. Processes, procedures, methodologies, tools, channels, possibilities, everything changes.
We offer various training courses that give you and/or your commercial team the tools to tackle these changes with both hands.

(Key) Account Management

Cross Border (E-) commerce

Digital Sales

Marketplaces & Platforms

The future of B2B sales

Advice and Custom training