
Our offer

QuarterhouseOur offer
We help you get the most out of your sales opportunities by offering Training, Coaching and Interim Management in the field of Sales.
Our expertise lies mainly in Digital Sales / B2B / Cross-Border (E-) commerce / E-commerce management / Export Management / Platforms & Marketplaces.


In this rapidly changing time; platformisation, omnichannel, digitization, cross-border, it is necessary that you change as an organization and as a sales department in order to perform optimally.
Processes, procedures, methodologies, tools, channels; everything changes.
We offer several training courses that can help you with this perfectly. We offer you the tools to tackle the change for your organization.
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Mirroring, coaching. Whatever you want to call it, we are happy to look with you and discuss the contemporary challenges you have have with you.
Every organization is different, the possibilities are endless.
Together with you we take a critical look and give you our honest feedback on the strategy to be chosen and its implementation.
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There are various situations in which Interim Sales Management plays an important role within a company. Think of urgent, new or clearly defined projects. These all require a concrete approach. We can help you in this by bringing balance and tranquility.
We also help you to set these things up and give the first boost.
We mainly work on projects related to cross-border, digitization, platformization, omni-channel.
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We can help you select the tools / methods / channels suitable for your company and implement them where necessary.


You want to move forward but you don't know how.

So much is happening in these new times. New methods, new channels, new tools

We offer customized training, coaching and where necessary Interim Management to allow you and your organization to grow, develop.


You know what you are doing but would like to learn more.

Just like athletes you always have to keep training, develop, progress.

Setting up new projects which are not your core business can mean you do not have the right people inhouse. We can help you by offering a fitting Interim solution.


You don't have the people to do the work.

In diverse situations; new projects, burnouts, sickness, maternity leave, you may not have the right people to do the job.

“Result-oriented, Positive, Honest, Hands-on”

That is how we work. With this we help you to achieve your goals.
Let's talk over a coffee.
Quarterhouse, Koffie afspraak